A Ramadan Resolution

By Ayesha Islam

On May 7th, 2012 I lost a very precious and important person in my life - my grandmother. She was the sole reason I would visit my home in Pakistan. The memory of her beaming face welcoming me with her arms outstretched will be etched in my mind forever. She was a shelter to all of her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. Now that protective feeling we held so dearly to us is merely a memory. This is the reason why the experience of Ramadan this year is different from the past.

I would call her every year when the moon was sighted for the month and wish her Ramadan Mubarak, and marvel over how she kept all of her fasts at 93 years of age. I would ask her how her fasts were going throughout the month and every time she would give me the same reply: “Alhamdulillah” (thank God). I would laugh till tears streamed down my face when she told me she had half a fried egg on half a slice of toast for sehri (pre-fast meal).

But most of all, I remember her for her unwavering faith. She never complained of thirst or hunger throughout the long summer days of Ramadan. She would keep her regular routine of praying tahajjud (night prayers) in the middle of the night and finish reading the Quran a few times within the month.

How can I possibly compete with her strong faith? The answer is I cannot. But this Ramadan I will slowly inch towards following her determination and courage.

Every year, I like to set a Ramadan resolution for myself that lasts throughout the month and I strive to keep it a habit in the coming months. I hope to give more sadaqah (involuntary charity) this year, not just through my actions, but also through my words. Last year I began a series of Ramadan reminder articles that I shared with my Facebook friends and this year I will do the same.

Every alternate day, I will write articles about helpful tips and relevant topics concerning Ramadan supported by the Quran and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). My aim is to please Allah, hoping the reward I reap will go towards my grandmother, InshaAllah (God willing). May she rest in peace, Ameen.

Have a Ramadan story to share? Use the hashtag #YahooRamadan, share your stories with us on Twitter and Facebook or post your images on Flickr and Instagram.